2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Assessing AI
As the early alarm bells have begun to fade from radiologists’ ears, machine learning continues to make notable progress as a diagnostic avenue. We examine ways AI can be fine-tuned on variables such as genetics to improve patient-specific diagnoses.
Narrowing the Field
Advancements in portable, low-field MRI are making it increasingly feasible and cost-effective to bring imaging directly into the operating theater, streamlining the surgical process and improving patient outcomes.
Out of This World
With space travel increasingly within the reach of private citizens, and given the health consequences associated with zero-gravity environments, a digital tech company has taken the lead in making cardiac ultrasound available aboard the International Space Station.
Positive Reviews
We take a deep dive into additional pandemic-era accommodations that may prove to be a long-term blessing in disguise: Numerous manufacturers have ramped up their capacity to render portable DR, and the results are impressive.
Editor’s Note
Moving Right Along
CT Slice
We look at various ways AI and CT are shaping advancements in respiratory health.
Interventional News
Yttrium-90 holds considerable promise for pediatric patients with liver tumors.
Women’s Imaging
A new ACR coalition aims to level the playing field for patients of diverse backgrounds.
On the Case
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome is diagnosed and analyzed.
Imaging Informatics
It’s a particularly good time to reevaluate best practices for radiology IT security.
Not-So-Secret Agents
Novel radiotracers with a “lock-and-key” design are becoming integral to the targeted imaging, as well as the effective therapy, of specific bodily regions. Experts share some ways their patients with prostate cancer have benefitted.
Another Look
Amid some troubling new statistics about colon cancer, the US Preventive Services Task Force has issued updated recommendations that prominently emphasize screening with CT colonography, and the industry is taking notice.
Performance Enhancement
A landmark study has revealed that those who interpret mammograms can have widely disparate platforms of knowledge and experience. An effort is underway to standardize the metrics and outline the keys to success.
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
By rendering the heart in four dimensions, thereby affording medical personnel a virtually hands-on perspective, holography is distinguishing itself as a next-level adjunct to diagnostic and surgical procedures.
Editor’s Note
Seeing Is Believing
AI Insights
Harnessing AI to extract biological data from tumors and lesions, radiomics is opening welcome new diagnostic avenues.
Fluoroscopy News
This versatile modality continues to play a key role in imaging and interventional procedures.
Reporter’s Notebook
We share some highlights from the SNMMI 2021 Annual Meeting.
On the Case
A patient presents with zoster sine herpete, and a medical team details its prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Ultrasound News
We take a deep dive into the latest developments and applications in the realm of handheld ultrasound.
A Room With a View
With remote workstations becoming standard within the industry, a new player, teleproctoring, is facilitating high-level collaborations that would not otherwise have been feasible.
In Network
Functional and structural MRI are helping the medical community consolidate all that is known about connectivity within the brain, while revealing prospective areas of additional study.
Analyze This
As inevitable growing pains accompany the advancement of AI and machine learning in radiology, analytics is playing an indispensable role in smoothing the way.
Which Niche?
We take a look at ways a number of practices are addressing the variables—accessibility, licensing, credentialing—associated with teleradiology.
Editor’s Note
On the Road
CT Slice
We address nine challenges associated with pandemic CT imaging.
Managing to Succeed
Under current conditions, an effective compliance program is a must.
On the Case
A 69-year-old patient presents with myloidosis of the breast.
Patient Safety
COVID-era accommodations have necessitated additional safeguards against hackers.
Worst-Case Scenario
When planning ahead for triage and other emergency circumstances, radiologists need to anticipate a host of variables associated with staffing, venues, and equipment.
Change in Programming
The industry is applauding several newly expanded lung cancer screening protocols and forecasting that increased eligibility will translate into thousands of lives saved.
Intelligent Upgrades
We check in with experts from top manufacturers to bring you the latest on DR trends and technology, a discussion driven by the profound influences of COVID-19 and AI.
Targeted Treatment
Delivered at the time of surgery, intraoperative radiation therapy is making a difference for women with early-stage breast cancer, particularly among underserved populations.
Editor’s Note
Slightly Ahead of the Curve
Molecular Imaging News
Get the latest on novel approaches to arthritis and more from SNMMI.
Ultrasound News
A long-undervalued tool for assessing blood flow in the brain, transcranial Doppler is making a comeback.
Interventional News
Radiologists are increasingly finding that robotic systems can offer new dimensions to their practices.
Imaging Informatics
3D virtual reality models are bestowing the gift of X-ray vision upon medical personnel.
On the Case
A mammography screening leads to a diagnosis of SMOLD, alternatively known as Zuska’s disease.
Modeling Success
Guided by state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology, a medical team successfully performed a landmark surgery that replaced the hands and face of a patient severely injured in an accident.
A Broader View of COVID
With a growing array of specialized diagnostic resources and insights, radiological collaboratives are doing their part to keep the medical community out in front of the pandemic.
Changing Landscape
Work-from-home solutions continue to be a priority for radiology practices. We examine the trends as display manufacturers address today’s requirements for quality, economy, and speed.
Rocky Road?
Experts take a deep dive into data migration and consolidation.
Editor’s Note
Collaborative Effort
Women’s Imaging
Breast cancer mortality in women younger than 40 has shown a troubling trend, prompting experts to seek answers.
AI Insights
A Minneapolis startup is focused on clinical trials that will expedite AI-centric tools and technology to the marketplace.
Reporter’s Notebook
Breakthroughs in the treatment of cancer, knee arthritis, and postpartum bleeding were spotlighted at SIR 2021.
On the Case
A team based in India offers an in-depth analysis of a patient with neonatal medullary nephrocalcinosis.
A New Focus
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals a new treatment option for Parkinson’s disease symptoms: MR-guided focused ultrasound subthalamotomy. While the procedure is less invasive than other ablative options and results are promising, it comes with side effects.
Buried Treasure
Emerging research blending imaging with AI is spearheading breakthroughs in cancer treatment decisions. Using radiomics, researchers are mining archival MRI, PET, and CT scans to identify markers that can help determine the best course of action.
Moving Target
While traditional methods of reducing radiation dose to patients and technologists continue to be utilized and refined, new techniques, such as refining patient positioning and tracking health care worker exposure, are making a difference.
The Gorilla in the Room
When interpreting scans, readers of all experience levels are susceptible to confirmation bias and/or inattentional blindness—the tendency to overlook something readily apparent while on the lookout for something else. Researchers are getting to the bottom of this and offering strategies.
MRI Monitor
Close attention is being paid to COVID-19 and heart irregularities among collegiate athletes.
Radiography News
Medical personnel in more than 10 countries are using a new AI algorithm to reliably red-flag COVID-19 characteristics.
CT Slice
Radiomics is leading to an improved understanding of adverse outcomes in underserved populations.
On the Case
A medical team from Dallas examines a patient who presented with an alcohol-related pancreaticopleural fistula.
Good Vibrations
Though ultrasound contrast agents with microbubbles have been in the radiologist’s toolkit for more than 30 years, new research shows that strategic bursting of these microbubbles improves treatment prospects for numerous patients, notably those with liver cancer.
Sharper Imaging
Fueled by advancements in AI and hypertargeted imaging techniques and technology, CT scans are being delivered faster, more safely, and with more detail than ever before. Latest trends include photon counting CT and mobile bedside solutions.
Open to Attack
Health care systems have long been a high-priority target for hackers, and imaging departments have been particularly vulnerable. With cybersecurity personnel increasingly resorting to remote workarounds, it’s time to reassess best practices and procedures.
Risk Assessment Rewards
Patients continue to be blindsided by breast cancer diagnoses when warning signs could have been red-flagged well in advance. Risk assessment guidelines are readily available and their dissemination is the responsibility of every member of the health care team.
Editor’s Note
Hope Springs Eternal
Imaging Ergonomics
We examine the must-haves of a modern user-friendly home reading room.
Women’s Imaging
Proponents of uniform breast density reporting have made legislative progress, but more can be done.
Ultrasound News
Follow the development of a groundbreaking sonography lab at Ohio’s Kettering College.
Imaging Informatics
Innovations in AI, interoperability, and storage light the way to enterprise imaging, and experts say it’s time to scale up.
On the Case
A medical team takes an in-depth look at cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, or CVST.
Nuc Med News
Second OpinionsFEATURES
Precision Prescription
In triage situations, seconds count, and never more so than during a pandemic. Given the concurrent priorities associated with social distancing, AI thought leaders have trained their sights on split-second identification of COVID-19 in the lung.
Another Piece of the Puzzle
In recent studies, emerging research using MRI in Alzheimer’s detection shows promise in identifying its markers in the brain, with possible applications for early diagnosis and symptom progression.
Taking Ultrasound by the Hand
Offering versatility, flexibility, and quick disinfection, handheld point-of-care ultrasound devices may be the right tool at the right time.
5 Things to Watch in 2021
The venue may have changed, but RSNA’s online extravaganza was chock-full as always with insights and developments. Our annual feature spotlights a few of our favorites.
Editor’s Note
One Year Wiser?
CT Slice
Deep learning innovations are improving dose-reduction prospects for facilities large and small.
Women’s Imaging
Implantable markers offer multiple benefits over traditional wire-guided localization techniques.
Billing and Coding
For radiologists, evaluation and management coding changes are top of mind for 2021.
On the Case
Experts analyze a case involving internal carotid artery tandem dissections with pseudoaneurysm.